Welcome to J-pop no Oya or Parents of J-pop.
What is J-pop? It is pop music from Japan, and don't think of it as an equivalent to any other pop music around the world as it is much different, nothing quite matching it... I have dedicated this site to the many j-pop idols who go unrecognized by today's world. These are the parents of J-pop if you may, back when it started in the 1970s with idols such as Sakurada Junko, Yamaguchi Momoe, Pink Lady, Iwasaki Hiromi, etc... and will cover until the mid 90s. Popular idols of today such as Amuro Namie, Utada Hikaru, Hamasaki Ayumi, and the like will not be listed because there are plenty of other sites that cover them and when I mean plenty I really do mean it...
I will try my best to include every J-pop idol worthy of mention in here. Also if you notice any spelling mistakes or errors in information please tell me so, I'd hate to see horrible spelling and/or incorrect information. To tell me of these things you can either leave a comment on an entry of the site.
That being said, please enjoy the site and I hope to help you embark on your knowledge of discovering the real roots of the J-pop world and hopefully becoming interested in it. I must say though that since this music is of an older time, don't think of it as old and out-dated but as a different point of view within singing and style, things are definitely different from now and back then.
**For the moment this site is still a work-in-progress as of November, 01 2008. And I will regularly updating it with new idol pages. If there is an idol you think should be on this page from the periods mentioned please leave me a comment or e-mail, and I'll do the research and try my best to put them here. I love learning about new idols in every way I can. Also any questions and general chat about idols can be left in comment or e-mail. I will eventually put up an idol chat section free of screening so readers will be able to post any comment they like, but until then...
As for navigation, links will be under here to each idol. I have also categorized idols into classes.
S class for 5+ number one hits
A class for 1/2 of hits within top ten or 4 number one hits
B class for 1/3 of hits within top ten or 3 number one hits
C class for 1/4 of hits within top ten or 2 number one hits
D class for one top ten hit or one number one hit
Z class for pretty much any idols not hitting S-D classes, but are still worthy of idol mention.
Uncategorized or U class for idols who I do not have substantial information to place them in a class.
I will also include a personal favorites section for my favorite idols
Pay attention to the weekly top ten and the weekly listen from the top ten in the right hand column. The navigation and affilites are there as well.
Saturday, November 1
Friday, October 31
-S CLASS- (5+ number one hits)
Amachi Mari
Asaka Yui
Kikuchi Momoko
Koizumi Kyouko (Kyon-kyon)
Kondou Masahiko (Matchy)
Kudou Shizuka
Matsuda Seiko
Minamino Youko (Nanno)
Nakamori Akina
Nakayama Miho (Miporin)
Onyanko Club
Pink Lady
Tahara Toshihiko (Toshi)
-A CLASS- (1/2 of hits within top ten or 4 number one hits)
Iwasaki Hiromi
Kawai Naoko
Kawai Sonoko
Koyanagi Rumiko
Moritaka Chisato
Nitta Eri
Oginome Youko
Okada Yukiko (Yukko)
Saitou Yuki
Yakushimaru Hiroko
Yamaguchi Momoe
-B CLASS- (1/3 of hits within top ten or 3 number one hits)
Hayami Yuu
Honda Minako
Hori Chiemi
Ishikawa Hidemi
Kashiwabara Yoshie
Kikkawa Kouji
Sakai Noriko
Sakurada Junko
Tamura Eriko
-C CLASS- (1/4 of hits within top ten or 2 number one hits)
Hamada Mari
Minami Saori (Cynthia)
-D CLASS- (one top ten hit or one number one hit)
Harada Tomoyo
Ishikawa Hitomi
Itsuwa Mayumi
Iwasaki Yoshimi (Yoshirin)
Judy Ongg
Matsumoto Iyo
Mihara Junko
Mori Masako
Oota Hiromi
Takada Midzue
Yagami Junko
-E CLASS- (Worthy of mention even if their accomplishments weren't the top)
Kimoto Yuuko
Kuwata Yasuko
Okamoto Maiko
Amachi Mari
Asaka Yui
Kikuchi Momoko
Koizumi Kyouko (Kyon-kyon)
Kondou Masahiko (Matchy)
Kudou Shizuka
Matsuda Seiko
Minamino Youko (Nanno)
Nakamori Akina
Nakayama Miho (Miporin)
Onyanko Club
Pink Lady
Tahara Toshihiko (Toshi)
-A CLASS- (1/2 of hits within top ten or 4 number one hits)
Iwasaki Hiromi
Kawai Naoko
Kawai Sonoko
Koyanagi Rumiko
Moritaka Chisato
Nitta Eri
Oginome Youko
Okada Yukiko (Yukko)
Saitou Yuki
Yakushimaru Hiroko
Yamaguchi Momoe
-B CLASS- (1/3 of hits within top ten or 3 number one hits)
Hayami Yuu
Honda Minako
Hori Chiemi
Ishikawa Hidemi
Kashiwabara Yoshie
Kikkawa Kouji
Sakai Noriko
Sakurada Junko
Tamura Eriko
-C CLASS- (1/4 of hits within top ten or 2 number one hits)
Hamada Mari
Minami Saori (Cynthia)
-D CLASS- (one top ten hit or one number one hit)
Harada Tomoyo
Ishikawa Hitomi
Itsuwa Mayumi
Iwasaki Yoshimi (Yoshirin)
Judy Ongg
Matsumoto Iyo
Mihara Junko
Mori Masako
Oota Hiromi
Takada Midzue
Yagami Junko
-E CLASS- (Worthy of mention even if their accomplishments weren't the top)
Kimoto Yuuko
Kuwata Yasuko
Okamoto Maiko
Thursday, October 30
Personal Favorites
Nakamori Akina
Kawai Naoko
Iwasaki Hiromi
Okada Yukiko
Nakayama Miho
Tahara Toshihiko
Kondou Masahiko
Kudou Shizuka
Pink Lady
Koizumi Kyouko
Matsuda Seiko
Ishikawa Hidemi
Kawai Naoko
Iwasaki Hiromi
Okada Yukiko
Nakayama Miho
Tahara Toshihiko
Kondou Masahiko
Kudou Shizuka
Pink Lady
Koizumi Kyouko
Matsuda Seiko
Ishikawa Hidemi
Wednesday, October 29
11-01-08: All material from old site moved to this one
...................Personal Favorites Section added
...................Kashiwabara Yoshie page added
...................Weekly Listen added, please check this weekly
11-02-08: J-pop wishlist added
03-28-09: Reclassified Idol Statuses
...................Personal Favorites Section added
...................Kashiwabara Yoshie page added
...................Weekly Listen added, please check this weekly
11-02-08: J-pop wishlist added
03-28-09: Reclassified Idol Statuses
Sunday, October 26
J-pop Wishlist
--杏里 (Anri)--
Sweet Emotion
--原真祐美 (Hara Mayumi)--
Bye Bye September
--早見優 (Hayami Yuu)--
西暦1986 (Seireki 1986)
-- 本田美奈子 (Honda Minako with WILDCATS)--
Stand Up ~Full Metal Armor
--堀ちえみ (Hori Chiemi)--
Deadend Street GIRL
Wa・ショイ! (Washoi!)
ピンクのアオザイの袖を夜風にあそばせ (Pink no Ao Dai no sode wo yokaze ni asobase)
君といる世界 (Kimi to iru sekai)
--石川秀美 (Ishikawa Hidemi)--
ドレスの下の狂詩曲 (Dress no shita no Rhapsody)
Private Nude
Silence Blue
もっとJe-Vous-aim (Motto Je-Vous-aim)
--柏原芳恵 (Kashiwabara Yoshie)--
途中下車 (Tochuugesha)
女ともだち (Onna tomodachi)
冬の孔雀 (Fuyu no kujaku)
--河合奈保子 (Kawai Naoko)--
君は綺麗なままで(Kimi wa kirei na mama de)
想いでのコニーズ・アイランド (Omoide no Coney's Island)
眠る、眠る、眠る (Nemuru, nemuru, nemuru)
Golden Sunshine Day
ちょっとだけ秘密 (Chotto dake himitsu)
夢の跡から (Yume no ato kara)
--川上幸恵 (Kawakami Yukie)--
ブルー・エトランゼ (Blue Étranger)
春にめざめて (Haru ni mezamete)
--樹本由布子/木元ゆうこ (Kimoto Yuuko)--
ペガサス・ハネムーン (Pegasus Honeymoon)
べつにシンドローム (Betsu ni Syndrome)
--小泉今日子 (Koizumi Kyouko)--
For my life
--工藤静香 (Kudou Shizuka)--
カーマスートラの伝説 (Kama Sutra no densetsu)
--松本伊代 (Matsumoto Iyo)--
Dancin' In The Heart
ポニーテイルは結ばない (Ponytail wa musubanai)
月下美人 (Gekka bijin)
サヨナラは私のために (Sayonara wa watashi no tame ni)
思い出をきれいにしないで (Omoide wo kirei ni shinaide)
すてきなジェラシー (Suteki na Jealousy)
淋しさならひとつ (Sabishisa nara hitotsu)
泣かないでギャツビー (Nakanaide Gatsby)
悲しくてやりきれない (Kanashikute yarikirenai)
きっと忘れるから (Kitto wasureru kara)
-- (MIE)--
灰とダイヤモンド (Hai to Daimond)
--三原順子 (Mihara Junko)--
ホンキでLoveMeGood! (Honki de Love Me Good!)
--南沙織 (Minami Saori)--
グッバイガール (Goodbye Girl)
--中森明菜 (Nakamori Akina)--
AMISH/清教徒 (Amish/Seikyouto)
--中山美穂 (Nakayama Miho)--
あなたになら… (Anata ni nara...)
これからのI Love You (Kore kara no I Love You)
--荻野目洋子 (Oginome Youko)--
美女と野獣 (Bijo to yajuu)
少年の瞳に… (Shounen no hitomi ni...)
--岡田有希子 (Okada Yukiko)--
そよ風はペパーミント (Soyokaze wa Peppermint)
秘密のシンフォニー (Himitsu no Symphony)
Believe In You 2004 Strings Version
--佐久間麗/れい (Sakuma Rei)--
ふ・る・え・る・果実 (Furueru kajitsu)
--田原俊彦 (Tahara Toshihiko)--
Hardにやさしく (Hard ni yasashiku)
--渡辺美里 (Watanabe Misato)--
BIG WAVEやってきた (BIG WAVE yatte kita)
チェリーが3つ並ばない (Cherry ga 3tsu narabanai)
クリスマスまで待てない (Christmas made matenai)
I'm free
いつか きっと (Itsuka kitto)
悲しいね (Kanashii ne)
君の弱さ (Kimi no yowasa)
恋したっていいじゃない (Koi shitatte ii ja nai)
恋するパンクス (Koi suru Punks)
真夏のサンタクロース (Manatsu no Santa Claus)
メリーゴーランド (Merry Go Round)
My Love Your Love
泣いちゃいそうだよ (Naichai sou da yo)
夏が来た! (Natsu ga kita!)
虹をみたかい (Niji wo mitakai)
世界で一番遠い場所 (Sekai de ichiban tooi basho)
センチメンタルカンガルー (Sentimental Kangaroo)
死んでるみたいに生きたくない (Shinderu mitai ni ikitaku nai)
シンシアリー (Sincerely)
卒業 (Sotsugyou)
サマータイムブルース (Summertime Blues)
Teenage Walk
--薬師丸ひろ子 (Yakushimaru Hiroko)--
Windy Boy
Sweet Emotion
--原真祐美 (Hara Mayumi)--
Bye Bye September
--早見優 (Hayami Yuu)--
西暦1986 (Seireki 1986)
-- 本田美奈子 (Honda Minako with WILDCATS)--
Stand Up ~Full Metal Armor
--堀ちえみ (Hori Chiemi)--
Deadend Street GIRL
Wa・ショイ! (Washoi!)
ピンクのアオザイの袖を夜風にあそばせ (Pink no Ao Dai no sode wo yokaze ni asobase)
君といる世界 (Kimi to iru sekai)
--石川秀美 (Ishikawa Hidemi)--
ドレスの下の狂詩曲 (Dress no shita no Rhapsody)
Private Nude
Silence Blue
もっとJe-Vous-aim (Motto Je-Vous-aim)
--柏原芳恵 (Kashiwabara Yoshie)--
途中下車 (Tochuugesha)
女ともだち (Onna tomodachi)
冬の孔雀 (Fuyu no kujaku)
--河合奈保子 (Kawai Naoko)--
君は綺麗なままで(Kimi wa kirei na mama de)
想いでのコニーズ・アイランド (Omoide no Coney's Island)
眠る、眠る、眠る (Nemuru, nemuru, nemuru)
Golden Sunshine Day
ちょっとだけ秘密 (Chotto dake himitsu)
夢の跡から (Yume no ato kara)
--川上幸恵 (Kawakami Yukie)--
ブルー・エトランゼ (Blue Étranger)
春にめざめて (Haru ni mezamete)
--樹本由布子/木元ゆうこ (Kimoto Yuuko)--
ペガサス・ハネムーン (Pegasus Honeymoon)
べつにシンドローム (Betsu ni Syndrome)
--小泉今日子 (Koizumi Kyouko)--
For my life
--工藤静香 (Kudou Shizuka)--
カーマスートラの伝説 (Kama Sutra no densetsu)
--松本伊代 (Matsumoto Iyo)--
Dancin' In The Heart
ポニーテイルは結ばない (Ponytail wa musubanai)
月下美人 (Gekka bijin)
サヨナラは私のために (Sayonara wa watashi no tame ni)
思い出をきれいにしないで (Omoide wo kirei ni shinaide)
すてきなジェラシー (Suteki na Jealousy)
淋しさならひとつ (Sabishisa nara hitotsu)
泣かないでギャツビー (Nakanaide Gatsby)
悲しくてやりきれない (Kanashikute yarikirenai)
きっと忘れるから (Kitto wasureru kara)
-- (MIE)--
灰とダイヤモンド (Hai to Daimond)
--三原順子 (Mihara Junko)--
ホンキでLoveMeGood! (Honki de Love Me Good!)
--南沙織 (Minami Saori)--
グッバイガール (Goodbye Girl)
--中森明菜 (Nakamori Akina)--
AMISH/清教徒 (Amish/Seikyouto)
--中山美穂 (Nakayama Miho)--
あなたになら… (Anata ni nara...)
これからのI Love You (Kore kara no I Love You)
--荻野目洋子 (Oginome Youko)--
美女と野獣 (Bijo to yajuu)
少年の瞳に… (Shounen no hitomi ni...)
--岡田有希子 (Okada Yukiko)--
そよ風はペパーミント (Soyokaze wa Peppermint)
秘密のシンフォニー (Himitsu no Symphony)
Believe In You 2004 Strings Version
--佐久間麗/れい (Sakuma Rei)--
ふ・る・え・る・果実 (Furueru kajitsu)
--田原俊彦 (Tahara Toshihiko)--
Hardにやさしく (Hard ni yasashiku)
--渡辺美里 (Watanabe Misato)--
BIG WAVEやってきた (BIG WAVE yatte kita)
チェリーが3つ並ばない (Cherry ga 3tsu narabanai)
クリスマスまで待てない (Christmas made matenai)
I'm free
いつか きっと (Itsuka kitto)
悲しいね (Kanashii ne)
君の弱さ (Kimi no yowasa)
恋したっていいじゃない (Koi shitatte ii ja nai)
恋するパンクス (Koi suru Punks)
真夏のサンタクロース (Manatsu no Santa Claus)
メリーゴーランド (Merry Go Round)
My Love Your Love
泣いちゃいそうだよ (Naichai sou da yo)
夏が来た! (Natsu ga kita!)
虹をみたかい (Niji wo mitakai)
世界で一番遠い場所 (Sekai de ichiban tooi basho)
センチメンタルカンガルー (Sentimental Kangaroo)
死んでるみたいに生きたくない (Shinderu mitai ni ikitaku nai)
シンシアリー (Sincerely)
卒業 (Sotsugyou)
サマータイムブルース (Summertime Blues)
Teenage Walk
--薬師丸ひろ子 (Yakushimaru Hiroko)--
Windy Boy
Okada Yukiko
Okada Yukiko was born on August 22, 1967 in Nagoya, Japan. Adoringly calling her Yukko, fans fell in love with her innocent and cute demeanor, and her famous smile, the "Yukko smile." Her idol was Kawai Naoko, and as well as being an idol, Yukiko was an amazing painter too, you will find a portrait she did of Naoko at the bottom of this section, which Yukiko gave to Naoko on Uta no Top Ten in 1985. She was signed to Pony Canyon records and the Sun Music agency (Matsuda Seiko, Hayami Yuu, and Sakai Noriko were also signed here) and debuted the idol scene in April of 1984 with her single "First Date." Her single "First Date" was released the same day as Kikuchi Momoko's first single, pairing them in the idol world as rivals, though they didn't play on this correlation much at all. Ever since after her second single her songs kept a nice top ten status. Yukiko's 3rd single "-Dreaming Girl- Koi hajimemashite" earned her an award for Japan's best new idol song. In late 1985 she started a small acting career in a television drama called "Kinjirareta Mariko" (Forbidden Mariko) in which she played the role of a girl with ESP powers. In 1985 she also travelled to Switzerland to record a music film for her singles and songs so far, it was called "Yukiko in Swiss", if you have the chance to watch it I recommend it, it's amazingly cute, you can probably find the whole thing on Youtube. In 1986 she hit the number one mark with her single "Kuchibiru Network" which was written by Matsuda Seiko, and was also the advertising song for Kanebo Cosmetic's spring campaign (this is a rather prestigious thing for an idol to do, as Matsuda Seiko, Koizumi Kyouko, and Kawai Naoko have also advertised for it.) Her success with Kuchibiru Network, which was her 8th single gained her much recognition as an idol as she was seen as a star rising fast towards the top. She began working on her 9th single "Hana no Image" and an album "Heart Jack" to go with. Sadly at the prime of her life and career, on April 8, 1986, she committed suicide, unfortunately many of her fans also committed suicide as well coining the term "Yukko syndrome" to account for the many copycat suicides following hers. It was a dark day in idol history, but Yukiko will never be forgotten. Her most famous singles were: "Little Princess", "-Dreaming Girl- Koi hajimemashite", "Futari dake no Ceremony", and "Kuchibiru Network"
Personal Favorite Yukiko Song: Kuchibiru Network
Number ones: 1
Top ten percentage: 6 out of 10 songs = 60%
Personal Favorite Yukiko Song: Kuchibiru Network
Number ones: 1
Top ten percentage: 6 out of 10 songs = 60%

Saturday, October 25
Kashiwabara Yoshie
Kashiwabara Yoshie was born on October 1, 1965 in Osaka, Japan. There's not much information on her about the times before she became a singer, so I'll start there. In fall of 1979, Yoshie participated in the Star Tanjou contest singing Shimizu Yukiko's "Ogenki desu ka?" and won first place and signed to Phillips. On the 1st of June, the following year, 1980, Yoshie released her debut single "No.1" It however was dismally received at the number 76th spot. Yoshie had fierce competition though, as 1980 was also the debut year for two other strong idols, Matsuda Seiko and Kawai Naoko. Being from Osaka as well, Kawai Naoko and Yoshie became friends. Yoshie's name didn't become big until her 7th single "Hello, Goodbye" earning her a top ten spot at #6. From then on Yoshie's career wavered from side to side, earning many good top ten hits, but also producing an occasional flop here and there. Suffice it to say, her singing skills though good they were, didn't much match up to the glamorous looks or catchy tunes of the other popular idols which competed with her. She garnered a nice fanbase though, reeling out 18 top ten hits, and 2 appearances on the Kouhaku Utagassen program. She has also been nominated consecutively from 1985-1987 for the best singer award. From the late 80s onward, Yoshie's career turned toward an acting prospect and she has starred in many movies and dramas. As of 2006 she has slightly resumed her singing career, and has produced 2 singles since then from her 16 year hiatus. Interestingly enough, the current crown princess of Japan, Michiko is a big Yoshie fan, and has met Yoshie and has her own personalized autographed copy of "Hello, Goodbye." So far, Yoshie has not retired, and with her current restart of her singing career as well as maintaining her acting career, it will probably be a long time before she calls it off. Yoshie's most famous songs are: "Hello, Goodbye", "Haru na no ni", "Saiai", and "Shi-no-bi ai."
Personal Favorite Yoshie Song: Shi-no-bi ai and Kaseki no mori
Number ones: 0
Top ten percentage: 18 out of 37 songs = 49%
Personal Favorite Yoshie Song: Shi-no-bi ai and Kaseki no mori
Number ones: 0
Top ten percentage: 18 out of 37 songs = 49%
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